The California Computer Art (CCArt) Company Gallery

California Computer Art Company deals in fine art. We specialize in paintings that are originally drawn or created on a computer before they are transfered to a tangible medium such as paper or canvas. CCArt only offers paintings that have a demonstrable 'Original' and limited edition prints. CCArt is not interested in computer generated art, but Art that is created using a computer as the initial medium. Most paintings are created by the use of graphic pressure pads and take as much time, effort and skill as conventional oil and brush.

Depending on the complexity these drawings can take many months to complete. Whilst the majority of these paintings are offered for sale only as prints, new paintings are being completed and the originals will be inially offered for purchase through this site before being transfered to a Gallery for display and sale.

I apologize for the navigation in this site, it was put up in a bit of a hurry. Please use the "Back" button in your browser when you're viewing the Gallerys.

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